Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Yolie and Michel's Wedding

The last day of our Chinese New Year holiday was a big day! It was Yolie and Michel's wedding! Or as their song says "At Last!"

Group at temple

Terry Oakes married them at 9 in the temple chapel, and everyone ran outside for pictures. Then back in for the Temple sealing at 11am.

Mechel, Yolie and President Oakes

Our own Elder Halversen did the sealing, and he did a very nice job. The room was almost full. After it was over one of the cute sisters came up with tears in her eyes and said it was the first sealing she had ever witnessed and loved it.

The reception started at 2pm and what a reception it was. A group of her oldest friends planned for a month, and did they ever do it up right. As we arrived everyone was seated in the decorated chapel/cultural hall on the 4th floor. Almost everyone of them had on purple. They had tableclothes and fancy folded napkins, and the tables looked wonderful.

The happy couple finally arrived and they started their program. They sang carefully chosen songs and did a great job. There are 4 men our branch, and they had really put them to work. One was the video man, and the other three were waiters/singers/entertainers and anything else the sisters could think of for them to do. These men are so great, they do whatever they are asked and never complain, and I think they actually love it. They ended by singing a Filipino song and were they ever good.

Then they brought in the wedding cake and had them cut it. And they had them dance and as is the custom pinned money on them. They had worked their little hearts out, not to mention the hours they must have spent cooking the meal, which was about 7 courses!

Yolie threw her bouquet to the wild group of screaming un-marrieds and the party was just getting warmed up. I am sure that those who stayed to clean up were going to continue to party until all the cleaning was done. They really do know how to have fun and throw a great party.

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