Saturday, September 13, 2008

Hike - Victoria Peak to Central

Today is the first day of a three day holiday - Mid Autumn Festival. We decided to start it off by going to the Peak and walking down Old Peak Road. The Benchs and Newells went along as well, good sports that they are.

We rode the bus to the top and started down. It’s the original road to the peak and there is no car traffic on it. Its very narrow and quite steep, but shady and pretty. It dumps you down into Central at the end. We walked through the HK Botanical Garden and found a Orchid House that was very fun. Then on the way down we stopped at St. Johns Church. I have wanted to visit their gift shop ever since last Christmas. They have really cool carved nativity scenes and a really cool Noah’s Ark. We have to go back, because at least one of them is going to follow us home.

Then down into Central. The Bench’s peeled off to go meet the Smith’s to go to a movie, and the Newells and Jacksons went to Agave for lunch. We had our usual nachos, yum. But we discovered that three diet cokes cost as much as the nachos. It’s water from now on!

Then home to work on getting some of our pictures organized for the new book we are working on.

It’s so hazy it’s depressing. And tonight Freddy melted! And that means that Shirl is going to melt for the next few days as well. Can fall be far away?

Oh yes, and as we walked through the park a bird got me! No kidding - on the sleeve! Yuckkkkkkk.